


We are mixed billing Practices located in Lockhart and Culcairn in New South Wales. Our health professionals are passionate about living and working in rural locations and bring a diverse range of health care services to the local community.

Lockhart Medical Practice began in 1989 with founding GP and owner Dr Ken Mackay. Dr Roderick Bond purchased the Practice in 2020 and expanded to include Culcairn Medical Practice in 2022. Both practices are mixed billing family Practices providing general medical services. 

We have two Practice Nurses who offer general practice nursing services including chronic disease management, ECG, wound care, ear syringing, immunisations, vaccinations and health promotion.

Allied Health Services are available at our Practices with a Dietitian, Diabetic Educator and Podiatrist visiting monthly. Every Wednesday Douglass Hanly Moir provides a blood collection service 9.00am to 12.00 noon. Telehealth psychiatry is available.

Our Mission

As members of the Lockhart and Culcairn communities, our staff genuinely cares about our patients and are committed to providing them with comprehensive quality medical care.


Lockhart medical practice is fully accredited with AGPAL, and holds accreditation for GP registrar training for both RACGP and ACCRM registrars

Culcairn medical practice as a new practice is currently undergoing accreditation which usually takes about 12 months.